Saturday 7 September 2024

Heathrow to Bengaluru, Singapore and (hopefully) Perth


I finished the last post by saying:

So it will be at least 24 hours, and possibly more, before the next post. See you all on the other side of the world!!

Well I wasn't wrong, and it may be longer still.

Yes, we are in Singapore and it is five and a half hours since we should have landed in Perth.

It is a long story, that will be the topic of tomorrow's blog post, but just to say we are both well and the poor man on the original plane who suffered a cardiac arrest had a doctor (a medical one, not a Drew type one) and a nurse among the passengers to care for him and was on his feet when taken to the ambulance on his way to the hospital in Bengaluru.

Due to the diversion causing the crew to go over their maximum permitted flying time, we had to stop at Singapore, which is a Qantas flight hub, and be decanted on to other planes for the onward journey. 

Thus we will be arriving after midnight, 13 hours later than originally intended. So, apart from getting to Mass, I don't think Sunday will be our most active day, we shall see.

So apologies, but the next blog post is likely to be quite late, Perth time, on Sunday.


  1. It seems like only days since you said you were looking forward to a long trip. Perhaps not quite this long though 🤔. I trust Singapore airport has good food as well as Wi-Fi. We don't want you starving as well as delayed.

    1. Penne con aglio e olio, with lots of aglio, has been a lovely surprise. A Greek stew with cauli and roast spud was also delicious - plus loads of salad and a Bao Bun with roasted beef, fried shallots and sambal chilli paste all helped. Photos will have to wait until tomorrow.

    2. Oops, I meant to say the Quantas Business Lounge has been a delight here and then say what I said about, but the initial text got lost!

    3. The Midnight pasta (aglio, olio, and I hope at least a little peperoncino) is always a help when times become trying.

    4. Well Patrick, this was perfect and more than perfect, more garlic flavour than I have ever tasted - no vampires coming anywhere near me 😄

  2. At least you've had the pleasure of food at a lounge (that's a glad thought like Polyanna).

    1. It was a happy few hours and things have been great today, so the hardest part is well behind us. Plus we heard earlier that the gentleman who had the cardiac arrest is recovering well in the hospital.

    2. That's good news.

  3. Full lounge value now, an impromptu business class lounge ranking may be now in order. Trust you get back on schedule shortly and sorry to hear you didn't get the full 'longest flight' experience.

  4. sorry me above, just been logged out of google

    1. Hi Lloyd,

      Heathrow's would have been an 8 or 9, Singapore all the way to 10. Both have showers and good selection of food, and for those who want it drink, but the food in Singapore was restaurant standard and above!!

  5. Wow, poor chap but a visit to Singapore airport is always a good one in my experience. Singapore airlines is a star alliance partner so I have visited several times. I like the butterfly house. And their tea shop!

    1. Hi Linda,

      We only saw the two gates (in and out), the Transfer Desk and the Qantas lounge - still the latter made up for any other inconvenience.

  6. If you ever get the chance, and you have ever been, the butterfly house if still there allows you to walk amongst them …they are massive sometimes .

    1. Hi Linda,

      Drew would hate having little creatures land on him, he panics enough about spiders and wasps!!
